I’m not
behind yet. Well, at least I don’t think I’m behind yet. I might be. The recurring
theme to date is that I have a lot of catching up to do across a broad
This experience
is deeply humbling. Hearkening back to my undergraduate studies in the 1980s I
remember feeling pretty smart. Most of my colleagues did too. Young and idealistic,
perhaps. That is not the feeling I now have. Now I feel humbled. I am
surrounded by very, very smart and insightful people – professors and students.
People who care deeply about what they are studying, thinking, and writing.
It’s very
motivating. Inspiring. And terrifying.
Now forgive
me, I have five journal articles and two books to read before Monday. I think
there is a probably an assignment due, too but I haven’t looked that far ahead.
Oh, and a thesis. Well, I haven’t started that yet. As a matter of fact, the
thesis proposal that I have only just started to think about is completely
different than what I was intending when I started four weeks ago.You know, maybe I am behind.
I believe in life long learning. I have taken many classes to ensure that I am up to date on new meds etc. I have recently ( 2 days ago!) started a new program on pharmacotherapy. A bit of a set back. The first module is about the statistical relevance of studies, which is really mind boggling! I will persevere and hopefully in a few months I will be recognized as certified in Pharmacotherapy.